Although device orientation APIs have been around for over 10 years now, they are still a complete mess of competing standards, experimental features and vendor specific prefixes.
This page is inspired by the very useful:, but updated to include API changes which have occurred since.
At the time of writing the mobile browser landscape looks like:
Google Chrome for Android 81
- Permission Trigger: addEventListener()
- deviceorientation (non absolute)
- deviceorientationabsolute (absolute; reference frame of device)
- AbsoluteOrientationSensor (absolute; reference frame of device or screen)
iOS 13
- Permission Trigger: user action event and then DeviceOrientationEvent requestPermission()
- deviceorientation (absolute via the vendor specific webkitCompassHeading; reference frame of screen)
Firefox for Android 68
- Permission Trigger: addEventListener()
- deviceorientation (non absolute)
- no support for absolute at all!
Some browsers only allow permission after the event is triggered with a user action event:
DeviceOrientationEvent in window
typeof DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission === 'function'
requestPermission() result
ondeviceorientation in window
orientation (α)
orientation (β)
orientation (γ)
orientation webkitCompassHeading
ondeviceorientationabsolute in window
orientation (α)
orientation (β)
orientation (γ)
orientation webkitCompassHeading
navigator.permissions in window
query({name: 'accelerometer'}) result
query({name: 'magnetometer'}) result
query({name: 'gyroscope'}) result
AbsoluteOrientationSensor in window
{referenceFrame: 'device'}
quaternion (a)
quaternion (b)
quaternion (c)
quaternion (d)
euler (α)
euler (β)
euler (γ)
{referenceFrame: 'screen'}
quaternion (a)
quaternion (b)
quaternion (c)
quaternion (d)
euler (α)
euler (β)
euler (γ)